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The Art of Engagement: Become a Powerful Communicator

OVERVIEW The Art of Engagement can be learned by anyone willing to look at communication in a whole new way. It’s not just about acquiring great communication skills and getting your message across and it’s not just about being a good listener. It is about truly engaging and creating an experience instead of just an interaction. This seminar is about connecting with others on a human level. This does not mean getting personal; it means cutting through the surface noise and speaking to the real person in a way that invites them to rise up, respond more honestly, and be more open.


• You should attend if you are a good communicator, but still doubt yourself in certain groups, with certain people, or in certain situations
• You should attend if you walk away from interactions feeling frustrated or that you didn’t quite get to the root of the issue.
• You should attend if you struggle with what to say when you get thrown off or if you are unsure how to respond in difficult situations and want to learn communication skills in the workplace.


Areas covered include:
• An understanding of effective communication skills and the power of listening fully and responding in a way that makes others feel that they matter.
• Ways you can gain respect and credibility from your peers through your interactions
• Key phrases that open communication channels and when to use them.


You will learn key phrases that open communication channels and when to use them. You will feel more confident communicating through any situation. You will be able to step away from becoming reactionary. You will understand the art of taking your emotions out of communication. You will walk away from interactions feeling that you took the high road. You will gain respect and credibility from your peers because you fully engaged.


• Managers
• Supervisors
• Anyone who is in a position to influence others or desires to be. Anyone who aims to be a powerful leader

For more detail please click on this below link:

Email: [email protected]
Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494
Tel: +1-720-996-1616
Fax: +1-888-909-1882

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