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Leveraging the Future with Patrick Seaman

What is futurism? Learn how to track science and tech trends to presage their impact on industry, markets and society. Those trends tend to take place over much longer periods of time than the quarterly returns mindset that most businesses have, though. To me, it's as much being able to see future tech in the context of past trends and recognize what may be a fad or just the latest marketing rebranding of a tech rather than something truly different and game changing.

Patrick Seaman is an emerging technology commercialization specialist (IOW: 25+ years of startup leadership). Board member, mentor, CTO, CIO, COO & CEO experience guiding companies through explosive growth and transition. In the 90’s he helped launch the digital media revolution as the technology head and 1st employee at broadcast.com through its IPO, the launch of broadcast.com Japan, and the $5.4b acquisition by Yahoo. Since then, Patrick pioneered and launched digital media properties and technologies and consulted for North American, Asian, and European companies. During the pandemic, Patrick served as CTO for EMist.com, and MasVida Health, where he ramped up production of electrostatic disinfection equipment to meet voracious international demand. In 2021-2022, Patrick served on the BOD and as EVP Industrial Systems LH2 & CIO at GenH2 -- leading the way for the Clean Energy revolution in Hydrogen Infrastructure. He is currently in talks to start up another Hydrogen related company and is working on his next book.

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