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Philadelphia Geek Awards 2015

The Philadelphia Geek Awards are an annual ceremony hosted by Geekadelphia and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University honoring geeks in the greater Philadelphia region.

From local game developers to comic book artists, social media marketers to the arts & culture community, the awards highlight a bit of everything.

What are the Philly Geek Awards?

The Philadelphia Geek Awards are an awards ceremony honoring outstanding achievements in Philadelphia’s vibrant geek community, hosted by the Academy of Natural Sciences and Geekadelphia. It’s a black tie, red carpet event.

Who Oversees the Awards?

We have a planning committee that designs and develops the entire event and a selection committee that chooses the nominees and winners. The selection committee is comprised of representatives from Geekadelphia, the Academy of Natural Sciences, and variety of subject matter experts in film, technology, journalism, and more.

How are Nominees Chosen?

We encourage public submission of nominees on the Geek Awards website. This plays a huge role in discovering awesome projects and people we didn’t know about, or in some cases, didn’t know enough about.

A few key criteria for selection:

  • Is the person or project based in the Philadelphia region?
  • Is it a tangible thing that has happened in the time since the last awards?
  • Is it geeky? A passion project?
  • Is it for the good of the city/world? What kind of impact does it have?
  • How much acclaim does it already have?
  • If we can answer yes to the relevant questions above then it qualifies as a nominee. We keep the three nominees that most exemplify these criteria per category.

Winners are simply the ones the selection committee deems have the most of these elements when pitted next to each other in the same category.

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