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CPR is a critical, first-line response that can help save someone's life in an emergency. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to perform this important skill. Gain the knowledge in this blended learning class!

The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning course equips students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults children and infants.

There is an online portion and an instructor-led classroom skill session. The online portion must be completed prior to the in-class portion.
A digital certificate will be provided upon successful completion of the class. The certificate is valid for two years. Digital certificates are accessed through a provided Red Cross Account.

This class satisfies requirements for individuals who are NOT in health care. Meets OSHA/Workplace requirements.

There is a flat fee of $65.00 per class participant. The fee includes any provided materials, a two-year digital certificate for each participant, and certification expiration date tracking.

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10205 W Greenfield Ave
West Allis, WI 53214-3911

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(833) 626-3729

A&E CPR provides premier Milwaukee CPR certification and renewals as an American Red Cross® (ARC®) Licensed Training Provider (LTP).

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