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Tell Me More About That - Reading and Discussion on Practicing Empathy - July 28, 7pm Fabulosa Books

Nearly 1/3 of US adults are unable to easily see the point of view of others according to a study in Jan 2022. We see this empathy crisis playing out around us in our daily interactions at work, in our personal life, on social media and elsewhere. The lack of empathy is wearing us down. But all is not lost. There are 5 steps each one of us can take to overcome the barriers to practicing empathy. Bringing awareness to these steps can help us make a different choice when engaging with others, being courageous to be empathetic.

Local SF CEO, market researcher and now author, Rob Volpe, brings to life the 5 Steps to Empathy in his engaging new book "Tell Me More About That: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation at a Time". In the book, which has been described in one industry review as "compelling, moving and at times laugh-out-loud funny" and has 4.7/5 stars on Amazon, Volpe shares his own experiences learning how to be empathetic when going on ethnographic in-home interviews. From attending the NRA gun show to studies on sex, marijuana usage and more everyday topics like dinner-making habits and snack food, Rob has had to face his own judgment when he meets people who aren't "just like him". With self-awareness and honesty, he recounts his reactions and feelings and how he navigated these difficult situations to reach a place of empathy. And through it all, the author is learning the role that empathy plays in forgiveness with his childhood bullies.

Practicing empathy is not easy. The 5 Steps shared in this book gives us the tools to help us use empathy to empower the skills we need to become the people we want to be.

Rob will be reading excerpts from his book and discussing more of what he's learned about empathy during a live, in-person reading event at Fabulosa Books on 489 Castro St. The event is free. It starts at 7 and should conclude by 8pm. The author will also be signing copies of the book which will be available for sale from the bookstore.

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