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Up to 41% Off on Oxygen Bar at Club Recharge

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy increases the amount of oxygen your blood can carry.

(10) Ten 60-Minute Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Sessions

Ten 60 Minute Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy Sessions

HBOT has been demonstrated in several clinical studies to enhance the body’s innate ability to repair and regenerate. It is used as an adjunct therapy to complement and enhance the healing process in both chronic and acute conditions.

This noninvasive therapy is the most trusted way to increase oxygen levels to all organs of the body. The typical treatment lasts for 60 minutes, during which the patient lies down and breathes normally.

Three Months of Unlimited Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Sessions

Three Months of Unlimited 60 Minute Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy Sessions

HBOT has been demonstrated in several clinical studies to enhance the body’s innate ability to repair and regenerate. It is used as an adjunct therapy to complement and enhance the healing process in both chronic and acute conditions.

This noninvasive therapy is the most trusted way to increase oxygen levels to all organs of the body. The typical treatment lasts for 60 minutes, during which the patient lies down and breathes normally.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the medical use of oxygen in a pressurized environment, at a level higher than 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA). Increased pressure allows for oxygen to dissolve and saturate the blood plasma (independent of hemoglobin/red blood cells), which yields a broad variety of positive physiological, biochemical and cellular effects.

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