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Advanced Mastering Macros in Microsoft Excel

Overview: Don't be afraid of macros - learn how to create and use them. When you find yourself repeating actions in Excel - whether it's a five-step sequence you use when formatting a certain cell type or the 30 steps you use when you sort, filter, and print multiple worksheets once a week, the possibility exists that you can automate these actions in the form of a macro.

Why should you Attend:
Maybe there is some macros in the spreadsheet that you need to run, and you don't know how to get to the macros. Maybe you want to make your own macros, but you don't know how. Many times there is nobody else to ask about macros at work. Or maybe your company is asking you to do certain tasks, and you know there must be a way to get those tasks done, but you don't know how to actually do it.

Areas Covered in the Session:
Keystroke Shortcut; Command
Button in the Quick Access Toolbar
Worksheet Picture or Clipart
Visual Basic
Quick View

Who Will Benefit:
Office Workers

Speaker Profile
Tom Fragale is a computer professional with over 30 years of professional experience. He is a Microsoft Certified Trainer, and a Microsoft Certified Expert in Excel. He has trained over 30,000 business people in on-line webinars, public seminars, and on-site training.

Event Fee: One Dial-in One Attendee Price: US $150.00

Contact Detail:
Compliance4All DBA NetZealous,
Phone: +1-800-447-9407
Email: [email protected]

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