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Excel - Pivot Tables - Beyond the Basics

OVERVIEW Pivot Tables are one of the most powerful tools in Excel’s data analysis and Business Intelligence (BI) armoury. With just a few clicks of the mouse (and no complicated formulas!) you can quickly and easily build reports and charts that summarise and analyse large amounts of raw data and help you to spot trends and get answers to the important questions on which you base your key business decisions.
Learning how to create Pivot Tables is one of the must have skills for anyone who needs to use Excel to quickly build reports and summaries. This webinar will enable anyone who is familiar with the basics of pivot tables to take their skills and knowledge to the next level.
Session highlights include…
• Calculating month-on-month difference
• Calculating a running/cumulative total
• Displaying a unique count
• Using formulas to create additional calculated items
• Slicers – the new visual way to filter a pivot table
• GETPIVOTDATA – When to use and when to avoid
• Creating a pivot table from multiple tables or multiple data sources
• Creating a pivot table from external data
• Using conditional formatting in a pivot table
In this session, you'll learn how to calculate differences (e.g. month-on-month, quarter-on quarter) and running/cumulative totals. You'll learn how to display a unique count (e.g. number of customers, not number of orders) and how to use formulas to create additional calculated items. You'll learn how to create Slicers which are the new visual way to filter a pivot table. You'll also learn how to create a pivot table from multiple tables and from external data.
If you are familiar with the basics of pivot tables (creating a basic pivot table, changing the appearance and layout, sorting, creating a pivot chart) and you wish to take your knowledge to the next level, this training is for you.
Although the training will be delivered using Excel 2016 for Windows, most of the functionality demonstrated is available in earlier versions of Excel (2007, 2010, 2013)
For more detail please click on this below link:

Email: [email protected]
Toll Free: +1-888-300-8494
Tel: +1-720-996-1616
Fax: +1-888-909-1882

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