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Up to 25% Off on Teeth Whitening - Home Tray / Pen at D. Sie’ra Beauty

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required. Must sign waiver. If you make a reservation through Groupon, you may cancel or change your reservation up to 48 hours before its start time. Otherwise, vouchers booked through Groupon will be redeemed and the deal’s promotional value and amount paid will expire. Redeemed vouchers may not be refunded or rescheduled - this also applies to no-shows. Your name and email address will be shared with this merchant to facilitate your reservation.

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening provides instant and immediate results to give your teeth a lighter shade in minutes.

Cosmetic Advance Teeth Whitening

This is a 60 min whitening session that provides immediate results! The whitening gel used is 16% perioxide and will have your teeth 3-6 shades lighter in office 

Cosmetic Basic Teeth Whitening

This is a 30min whitening session that provides immediate results! The whitening gel used is 16% perioxide and will have your teeth 3-6 shades lighter in office 

Cosmetic teeth whitening is a highly sought out service to enhance the beauty of your smile. With the safest and up to date products, D. Sie‘ra Beauty provides the best servic. This service can be used on sensitive teeth as well. 

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