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Simplifying Payroll Budgets in Excel

Identify Best Practices And Avoid The Common Pitfalls Of Payroll Budgets In Excel Excel is a useful program which is widely used by individuals and companies to create payroll spreadsheets. In this live webinar, our Microsoft Excel expert David Ringstrom, CPA, will share a number of techniques that you can use to simplify payroll budget spreadsheets. Attendees will get the chance to ask any type of queries to David, even if they're not specifically related to the material in the presentation. Our expert will mostly teach from Excel 2010, however he'll include alternate instructions and techniques when applicable to Excel 2007, 2003, and even 2013.

Every hour many users transcribe hundreds or thousands of records into Excel to develop a payroll budget. This session will teach you, how you can eliminate manual data entry by linking to data sources, improve the integrity of your payroll budget by embedding key inputs, and how to use the pivot tables to quickly summarize and review the final results.

During this one-hour webinar you will:

Find out how you can link to a source file that has your payroll records, and then let Excel take care of managing the associated calculations
See how the hidden Form command makes it easy to review one record at a time
Use Range Names in your spreadsheet to streamline payroll-related calculations, or to hide key values that you don't want users overwriting
See how Pivot Tables can quickly summarize your results by department, region, or however you need it
Use the COUNTIF function to allocate costs based on head-count
Save the final results as a comma-separated value format so that accounting or finance can simply import your budget into the payroll software
See how to create automatic back-up copies of your payroll budget, so that you have fall-back positions in case something goes awry

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