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Fall Vegetable Gardening Workshop @ Greensgrow Farms

Registration Required. Farm your city – get back into the garden this fall! Enjoy fresh food from your garden longer with less worries from heat stress, pests and plant diseases. Join one of Greensgrow’s staff experts to learn how to grow a variety of hardy greens and root veggies into the colder months.

We will focus on planning a healthy fall vegetable garden and techniques for extending the season. We’ll talk about which veggies to grow, key dates, soil-warming techniques, how to use hoops and row covers, and best practices to help you set up your fall & winter veggies for success. We ask that all participants to come with a basic layout of their garden and notes on the light it gets so we can tailor these season extension tips to your space. We’ll take you in the high tunnels to show how we grow at Greensgrow Farms.

In addition to demos and instruction, everyone will go home with information on frost and seeding dates, and how planting and harvest timing is affected by cold weather. Don’t miss your chance to turn every season into a growing season!

If you can’t make this date, Ari will be teaching the same workshop at our Greensgrow West location, October 14th!

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