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One or Two Zoom! WhiteSpeed Teeth-Whitening Treatments at Atlantic Avenue Dental Group (Up to 71% Off)

Appointment required. Must sign waiver. Consultation required; non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored before service provided. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. 24-hour cancellation notice required.

Modern Zoom! techniques help to whiten teeth with an advanced bleaching gel and less heat, which makes for less sensitive teeth

A focused beam of light can do many things, from whitening teeth to murdering a terrifying shadow puppet. Brighten up with this Groupon.

Choose Between Two Options

  • $149 for an in-office Zoom! WhiteSpeed teeth-whitening treatment (a $500 value)
  • $289 for two in-office Zoom! WhiteSpeed teeth-whitening treatments (a $1,000 value)

The new Zoom! WhiteSpeed treatment features three power levels, emits less heat than previous models, and uses an advanced bleaching gel that releases peroxide gradually, all of which work together to mitigate tooth sensitivity during the treatment.

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