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One or Three 60-Minute Facials from Rose Luciano at Bella Face and Nails (Up to 67% Off)

Not valid for customers active within the past 6 month(s). 6 Hour cancellation policy applies. $25 Cancellation fee will be collected for No Call, No Shows or appointments canceled within 6 hours of appointment time. Appointment required. Credit card required at booking. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed voucher price). Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.

Deep cleansing European facial includes exfoliation, steam, extraction, hand and neck massage, and a mask suited to your specific skin type

Choose Between Two Options

  • $27.90 for one 60-minute facial ($85 value)
  • $94.40 for three 60-minute facials ($255 value)

Call (774) 292-6759 with any questions.

See the wax deal for Rose Luciano at Bella Face and Nails here.

See the microdermabrasion with facial deal for Rose Luciano at Bella Face and Nails here.

The European Facial: Concentrated Cleansing

Learn what to expect from a classic facial treatment with Groupon’s introduction to the european facial.

If you’re wondering what exactly is so "European" about the european facial, consider that continent’s wealth of diversity: natives of nearly 50 independent countries speak hundreds of languages and dialects. The european facial shares the inclusive spirit of its namesake, adapting to address skin conditions that range from acne and age spots to redness and dry skin. Its basic steps include cleansing, toning, exfoliation, extractions, and a hydrating treatment that may take the form of either a mask or lotion. Katie O’Reilly, the associate editor of DaySpa magazine, believes in the benefits of these extra steps. After the cleansing and toning, she says, "Your skin is just going to be healthier and more protected than it was beforehand. And tightening anybody’s pores helps their skin no matter what their issues are."

Of all the steps in a european facial, exfoliation and extraction prove the most crucial—and the most variable. "Find out what kind of exfoliants work best for your skin," O’Reilly advises, noting that some skin types respond best to glycolic-acid peels and others take more readily to a milder fruit-enzyme scrub. She likens extractions—the act of removing blackheads and small pimples—to "going to the dentist for your face," though some aestheticians consider this step too invasive and opt against it. It may come in one of many forms, but a monthly or seasonal facial always presents a valuable opportunity to confer with an expert about your skin’s overall health.

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