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15-Minute Shiatsu Foot Massage, Foot Soak, or Both at Etagere (Up to 46% Off)

Appointment required. Credit card required at booking. If the appointment is canceled inside of 24 hours prior to the appointment or missed completely there is a 50% charge of full-service value. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed voucher price). Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person.

Therapist pampers the client with a foot soak or massage, designed to help them relax and nourish the skin


Ran by a mother and daughter team, Etagere is a place for those who like luxurious experiences. Guests can step into the spa for a massage or have a spa party, as well as enjoy high tea with their friends. The staff’s goal is to ensure each visitor goes home, feeling relaxed and energized.

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