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Up to 49% Off on Psychic / Astrology / Fortune Telling at Psychic Astrology by Charlie

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

See what the stars hold for you! find the path to the stars and connect with your destiny.

Special tarot cards and crystal energy aura reading

Full Life Special: You will receive a 22 tarot card layout, I will tell you the path to your future it will guide to life passion and purpose tells you past, present, future, love, family, career, job, give you advice on relationships of all kind.

Crystal Energy Aura Reading can put me in tune with your aura and tells you the true color of your aura. I will see the people around and tell you they're intentions if they are true or false. The crystal puts me in tune with your angels and lost family members.

One 30-Minute Video or Phone Psychic Reading Session

with a psychic reading I will use my Abilities to be in tune with your mind body & spirit you will receive information through my clairvoyance

One 45-Minute Online or Phone Psychic Reading Session

with this reading you will receive a 5 tarot card lay out with a complete palm and two questions i will also use my psychic clairvoyance to help give you guidance with love relationship health healing job to find your passion and purpose

One 60-Minute Online or Phone Psychic Reading Session

this reading i will use my abilities of psychic powers to help all maters in life telling you past, present, future, guidance in job love relations family i will also be using my angel tarot cards a 10 card lay out with a crystal that will put me in tune with people places angels lost family members fine out the intentions of others if good or bad help with finding your soul-mate connect with the right path you can ask 3 questions i will tell you lucky days and numbers

we all have a natural desire to know what the future holds in store Charlie, the owner of psychic astrology understands this need and helps her clients pull back the curtain of fate

for a momentary glimpse she uses her spiritual clairvoyants to give guidance in area ranging from love relationship work family life Charlies bailiwick ,providing a means through which future events can be divined and there meaning clients can also learn more about their personality by taking a look into who they were in their past life and the choices made by them in their previous incarnation

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