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Up to 51% Off on Boxing / Kickboxing at Amerikick Andorra

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). Maybe repurchased every 30 days. Not valid with other offers or promotions. No booking required, present Groupon on arrival.

10 High Intensity, Weight Loss, and Fun Cardio Kickboxing Classes for ONLY $19

10 Cardio Kickboxing Classes (Up to 61% Off)

In fitness, there are two schools of thought: 1) Lift weights. 2) Get cardio. We say: "Why not both?"

Because your boxing gloves weigh 1 lb., every punch you throw is like lifting a light weight. But because you’re moving and grooving for the entire session – you get great cardio too.

As you set goals and achieve them… As you work hard and reap the rewards… Your confidence will soar. Your self-esteem will soar. Your enjoyment of life will soar. That’s because while we push you to do your best – and support you every step of the way:

You are the one throwing every punch and every kick. You are the one getting the results.

Seeing that transformation is our favorite thing about our Fitness Kickboxing program in Andorra

Each class is an hour long filled with high intense workouts that will get you results in no time!

People come to us for the results, and stay for the community here in Andorra.

You’ll make friends, cheer each other on, form bonds, and have a ton of fun as a result.

We focus. We work hard. But smiles and laughter are a big part of how we do things, too.

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