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Up to 52% Off on Salsa Dancing Class at EA Dance

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. All goods or services must be used by the same person. Limit 1 per visit. Appointment required, contact by phone at (818) 377-7575 .

Salsa lessons will give the basics to get out on the dance floor.

We are a young brand that is built from two professional dancers who fell in love with each other. Sharing an insatiable passion for dance, our dream is to devote our knowledge and enthusiasm for dance to teach kids and adults to love to ballroom dance. EA Dance has over 40 years experience combined in teaching and dancing. We are committed to creating a healthy, fun, competitive, and supportive atmosphere for our students. Our goal is to build long term relationships and a community that centers around the love of dance.

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