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Up to 86% Off on Xpress Double Treatment Teeth Whitening at Xpress Whitening

Online reservation required. Must sign waiver. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Immediate and long lasting results in one fast and easy appointment at the most experienced professional in-office teeth whitening in DFW

Double-Treatment In-Office Teeth Whitening for New Client

Double-Treatment In-Office Teeth Whitening plus Home Kit for New Client

TWO Double-Treatment In-Office Appointments for ONE New Client

TWO Double-Treatment In-Office Appointments for plus Home Kit ONE New Client

Double-Treatment In-Office Teeth Whitening for Returning Client

Options: For those with lightly stained teeth and looking for a great first time, in-office teeth whitening experience, choose one Xpress Whitening Double-Treatment appointment, it helps having a whiter and brighter smile in one quick and easy appointment, or for those with darker stains or looking for the most dramatic and longest-lasting results, choose the two-appointment option and schedule two appointments a few weeks apart. Add an Xpress Home Whitening Kit to either option for continued whitening at home or to easily maintain your new whiter brighter smile. Xpress Home Whitening Kits include; a comfortable silicon duplex tray with storage case, enough professional dental office strength gel for 10 home whitening treatments, mini LED light, shade guide for tracking results, and instructions.

How it works: The Xpress In-Office Whitening process is super simple; First you’ll use our easy online appointment scheduling, then arrive at our always clean and sanitized office and check-in via text message. Your professionally trained and experienced Xpress Whitening Technician will greet you and guide you through the entire process step-by-step so you are comfortable the whole time. Settle into a comfy chair while your Whitening Technician applies the gum protection, then the proprietary Xpress Whitening light-activated gel to the teeth, positions and turns on the special LED whitening light and leaves that on for 15-minutes. The process is repeated a second time before you’ll rinse everything out and see your new smile. The entire Double-Treatment Xpress Whitening appointment takes less than 45-minutes from start to finish, which will fly by as you sit back and relax, play on your phone, or watch something on our big screen tv. Yes, it is that fast and easy!

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