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Up to 50% Off on Reiki at Reiki sessions (sole proprietor)

Limit 1 per person, may buy 5 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days. Appointment required.

No two sessions are the same. Intuitive guidance and refreshed energy carry you forward.

One-Hour Reiki Session

A one-hour Reiki session consists of:

Ten minutes of discussion and intention setting

Ten minutes of a customized guided meditation

Thirty minutes reading your energy field

Ten minutes sharing intuitive guidance

The sessions are deeply relaxing and peaceful. Each session ends with guidance and homework to continue the clearing and manifesting long after the meeting. No two sessions are the same; the use of essential oils, gemstones, crystals, the chakra system, animal magic, the elements, and muscle testing are some of the many tools utilized.

One-Hour Reiki Session with Oracle Card Reading

A one-hour Reiki session with oracle card reading consists of:

Ten minutes of discussion and intention setting

Ten minutes of a customized guided meditation

Twenty minutes reading your energy field

Twenty minutes card reading and sharing intuitive guidance

The sessions are deeply relaxing and peaceful. Each session ends with guidance and homework to continue the clearing and manifesting long after the meeting. No two sessions are the same; the use of oracle and tarot cards, pendulums, crystals, the chakra system, animal magic and muscle testing are some of the many tools utilized.

Brennan Caitlin Kahl has been studying and practicing energy work since 2010. A Reiki Master, she received her Reiki 1, 2, and Master Attunements from the Mikao Usui lineage. She is also attuned to 7th Dimension Starlight Energies and has received several Dragon Energy Attunements. Weaving all of these vibrations into a unique and intuitive style of practice, Brennan specializes in helping others develop their own unique internal guidance systems. Her energy sessions are helpful to anyone struggling with indecision, seeking clarity, or wanting to be in the flow of their life’s purpose. She helps individuals connect to the natural cycles of the planet and the ebb and flow of their environments. Doing so enables one to connect their inner and outer worlds.

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