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Up to 24% Off of Online healing session at Energy Healing Code

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Online redemption only.

Zoom session to allow your subconscious guide us to the causes that may be linked to your issue.

30 Minute remote session to Identify the root cause of your problem

30 minute remote session via Zoom. Schedule your session by visiting the website and choose Groupon booking. 

The Body Code energy healing modality enables us to identify what could possible causing or linked to the problem a person may have. Whether your problem is emotional, financial, physical, mental, spiritual or social, the subconscious can identify energetic imbalances, blockages, misalignments, mental thoughts & trapped emotions, presence of outside factors and many more causes that may be possibly linked to your targeted issue. Once they are identified, the subconscious will be directed to order the body to rebalance, reset, release and align. 

This is not a replacement of medical treatment, neither is an effort to diagnose. This modality of healing promotes the body’s own healing powers to bring the body, the mind, and the spirit to harmony and balance. 

The session is delivered remotely via Zoom, which will be provided upon scheduling on the website. 

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