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Up to 57% Off on Physical Therapy at Alexander Technique BodyATBalance Boston

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 60 days. Must sign waiver. Consultation required; non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored before service provided. Appointment required, contact by email at [email protected] .

Alexander Technique can help boost your performance in any activity and relieve the pain and stress caused by postural habits.

One 60 minute Alexander Technique lesson

Pack of 3 30 minutes Alexander Technique lessons

This is a great option to discover Alexander Technique. 

I’ll introduce you to the idea of the use of the self, how one can acquire it and incorporate it into everyday life. We will touch on the last two years' "screen prison" and how it affects our body posture. I’ll teach you the basic principles of the technique and give you some tools to start using immediately.

3 lessons will get you knowledge on how to incorporate Alexander Technique in your daily activities. Designed to get you a bit of experience with the Alexander Technique. This short course may not fix your issues like back pain or knee pain but you'll see how learning the technique can benefit your health and other situations. To be used within one month from the first lesson.

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