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Up to 27% Off on Acupuncture Services at Align Sports Chiropractic & Health Center

Appointment required. Limit 1 per person.

Joshua Hehr, L.Ac. treats a variety of patients. He has additional training in orthopedics and pain, digestive and autoimmune conditions.

One Customized Acupuncture Session with Consultation

One acupuncture session. Initial visit or follow up. Consultation and treatment.

Joshua Hehr, L.Ac. began his journey delving into the mysteries and philosophy of East Asia in the early 2000’s. Practicing traditional martial arts of China, and studying the universal concepts of Daoism, Josh became an in-door disciple of the Yin Cheng Gong Fa group in Beijing in 2007. His Masters in Oriental Medicine was earned from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in New York City.

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