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Up to 45% Off on Online Psychic / Astrology / Fortune Telling at The Discover Space

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 60 days. Not valid with other offers or promotions.

Gain a greater understanding of what you came here for and receive insight into the questions about your past, present, and future

One Hour Virtual Psychic Reading

Two 1-Hour Virtual Psychic Readings

Half Hour Virtual Psychic Reading

Have questions about your life? Where and who have I been? Where am I going in the future? Is this the right career choice for me? The right partner? How is my overall health and how am I doing so far in this life journey? Do you desire to hear messages from your higher self, spiritual guides, friends and family that have transitioned into a spirit state? 

You can gain a greater understanding of your past, present and future and MUCH more in a one on one virtual Spirit Medium consultation/Psychic reading!

Whether you just want to dip your foot in the pond or delve more deeply into greater understanding, choose the virtual psychic reading package that best fits your needs.  

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