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Up to 56% Off on Teeth Whitening - In-Office - Non-Branded at Noni Wellness Studio

Appointment required, contact online at https://www.baltimorewellness12studio.com/ . Must sign waiver. Consultation required before service. If you are ineligible, a refund will be provided. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 60 days.

Teeth whitening reduces the appearance of stains, leaving a restored bright and white smile.

One In Office 45-minute Teeth Whitening Treatment

Two In Office 45-minute Teeth Whitening Treatments

Choice of 1 or 2 teeth whitening treatments.

Benefits:Teeth whitening helps to restore a smile tainted by discoloration. In-office teeth whitening produces the fastest results and is the safest form of teeth whitening.

How it works: Significant color change in a short period of time is the major benefit of in-office whitening. This protocol involves the carefully controlled use of a relatively high-concentration peroxide gel, applied to the teeth by the dentist or trained technician after the gums have been protected with a paint-on rubber dam. Generally, the peroxide remains on the teeth for several 15 to 20 minute intervals that add up to an hour at most. Those with particularly stubborn staining may be advised to return for one or more additional bleaching sessions, or may be asked to continue with a home-use system.

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