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Up to 48% Off on Online Psychic / Astrology / Fortune Telling at Colors of Joy, LLC

Limit 2 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days.

Angel intuitive and energy healer provides guidance and healing with the convenience of no appointment needed.

Single distant Reiki session

The distant Reiki session will be received within 48 hours of purchase. Only valid for person purchasing the session.

2-Questions Angel Reading to be received by email

Angel reading will be received within 48 hours of sending questions. Questions only to be concerning the person requesting the reading.

1-Question Angel Reading to be received by email

Angel reading will be received within 48 hours of sending question. Question only to be concerning the person requesting the reading.

Angel Readings are a powerful healing tool for those seeking guidance in their life. Readings can focus in any aspects of life, to include relationships, career, finances, and health.

I will send the reading by email. If you need further clarification to the answers to your question/s, I can follow up within 24 hours of sending your reading.

If you are concerned about a specific situation in your life, you can elaborate in your question so I can get more precise information when I channel the angel messages that I receive for you.

Please only ask about yourself and not about other people, unless of course you are involved and is something affecting you. 

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