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Up to 50% Off on Horse Back Riding - Training at Chica's Ranch

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Chica’s Ranch offers experienced trainers and comfortable & safe horses for new and experienced riders!

One 60-Minute Horseback-Riding Lesson for One

Never ridden a horse or have ridden and want to learn more? Maybe you want to trail through the fields or just hang out with the horses for enjoyment? We provide that too!

We offer traditional Western riding lessons. We have many school horses available or you can bring your own horse

Riders are assessed during their first lesson and matched with horses according to their abilities and goals. Riders will progress with confidence to walking, trotting, cantering, and to more advanced training. 

One 60-Minute Horseback-Riding Lesson for Two

60-Minute Horseback-Riding Lessons for Four

60-Minute Horseback-Riding Lessons for Six

60-Minute Horseback-Riding Lessons for Eight

60-Minute Horseback-Riding Lessons for Ten

Never ridden a horse or have ridden and want to learn more? Maybe you want to trail through the fields or just hang out with the horses for enjoyment? We provide that too!

We offer traditional Western riding lessons. We have many school horses available or you can bring your own horse

Riders are assessed during their first lesson and matched with horses according to their abilities and goals. Riders will progress with confidence to walking, trotting, cantering, and to more advanced training. 

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