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Up to 42% Off on Endermologie at Evago Aesthetics

Appointment required, contact by phone at 267-4395655. Consultation required before service. If you are ineligible, a refund will be provided. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 365 days. Not valid with other offers or promotions.

10 treatments are recommended two sessions per week.

One 35-Minute Endermologie Session

Three 35-Minute Endermologie Sessions

Six 35-Minute Endermologie Session

Vacuum deep tissue slimming massage for cellulite, skin tightening and muscle toning.

  • Patients slip into a special bodysuit and relax on the treatment table as a licensed professional guides Endermologie rollers over the body. The rollers’ massaging action helps break down the lumpy tissue structures that cause cellulite’s signature dimpled appearance.
  • Typical facial treatment areas include the forehead, eyes, mouth, double chin, facial contours, neck, and decollete.
  • Typical treatment areas for women include the arms, back, waist, stomach, saddlebags, buttocks, thighs, inner thighs, knees, and calves.
  • Typical treatment areas for men include the arms, back, pecs, waist, stomach, and thighs.

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