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Facial, Lip Fix, or Aromatherapy at Kyana's Makeup Artistry (Up to 35% Off). Eight Options Available.

Appointment required. Limit 1 per person, may buy 2 additional as gifts for purchase-limited options. If you make a reservation through Groupon, you may cancel or change your reservation up to 72 hours before its start time. Otherwise, vouchers booked through Groupon will be redeemed and the deal’s promotional value and amount paid will expire. Redeemed vouchers may not be refunded or rescheduled - this also applies to no-shows. Your name and email address will be shared with this merchant to facilitate your reservation.

Skincare expert performs a variety of facial treatments aimed at eliciting the natural vibrancy of one’s complexion

  • Benefits of back facial: Helps purify the skin on the back, remove dead skin cells, and restore smoothness.
  • Benefits of Strawberry-Lemonade Facial: Exfoliating treatment including the antioxidant and brightening benefits of lemon; aims to purify, nourish, and soothe the skin with antibacterial and antioxidant properties of strawberry and spearmint extracts.
  • Lip-fix add-on: Three-step non-invasive treatment with fruit enzymes aiming to combat winter dryness, moist, supple, and plump the lips.
  • Benefits of custom facial: Designed to address one’s specific needs and issues, the treatment can help purify the skin, cleanse pores, restore a youthful appearance, improve acne, or reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Aromatherapy utilizes essential oils and aromatic plant compounds to not only alleviate stress and tension, but also help with ailments like headaches, circulatory problems, low energy levels, and insomnia.
  • Benefits of Glow-Mama Facial: Includes a hydrojelly mask, lip fix, and a take-home goodie bag; aims to reveal a fresher and radiant complexion.

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