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Up to 57% Off on Lymphatic Drainage Massage at Michele Rodriguez LMT,MLD/C

Appointment required, contact by phone at (407) 692-5653. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Limit 1 per visit.

The massage therapist works on each individuals needs to help relieve muscle pain and tension

One 60-Minute Lymphatic Drainage Massage

One 60 minute therapeutic massage

Lymphatic drainage is a manual massage technique that works on the lymphatic system, stimulating it to work quickly by moving the lymph to the lymph nodes [throughout your body, but largely located in your neck, armpits, and groin]. 

Benefits: Stimulates blood circulation and tissue regeneration

Directs and increases lymphatic flow, promoting faster removal of excess interstitial fluid

Reduces swelling and water retention

Improves the immune system due to the important elimination of toxins

Promotes body and mental relaxation

Provides an overall lightness in the body

Energizes the body 

Massage therapist name and license number: Michele M Rodriguez and MA 78341

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