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Up to 40% Off on Reiki at A Journey To Wellness

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required.

Reiki helps balance the mind, body and spirit. Also enjoy aromatherapy with your healing session.

One 60-Minute Reiki Session with Chakra Balancing

1-60 minute session with aromatherapy

Two 60-Minute Reiki Sessions with Chakra Balancing

2-60 minute session with aromatherapy

Reiki is a form of energy healing. We all have an internal energy system called chakras which are spinning wheels of energy along the spine and throughout the body. We also have an external energy system called the aura. Sometimes these energy systems become imbalanced due to stress, trauma, environment or other. Reiki helps heal these imbalances and get the energy moving to create balance. During a session you remain closed on the table. The practitioner feels along the body to feel any imbalances in your energy. There is some hands on and off techniques. The practitioner channels universal energy to these areas. After session you will have a better sense of well being and relaxed. 

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