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Up to 40% Off on Singing / Voice Lesson at Songsmith LA

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 60 days. Online redemption only.

Voice students get custom, 1-on-1 help with tone, support, breath, technique, style, song choice, range, and performance with a pro.

One 30-Minute Private Vocal lesson

Two 30-Minute Private Vocal lessons

One 45-Minute Private Vocal lesson

Two 45-Minute Private Vocal lessons

Songsmith LA, a top-rated music academy, offers voice, piano, guitar, ukulele, and songwriting lessons for custom, virtual coaching.

Why Songsmith LA? We focus on music theory and comprehension from the start for all levels, styles, and ages, ensuring you're able to guide yourself down the road.

Who are our Songsmiths? Working musicians, songwriters, and producers across Los Angeles, all tested, multi-hyphenates with expertise to help you meet your goals—whether to become a pro musician yourself, or just to have fun!

How do Voice lessons work? We get to know you and your goals and experience, then guide you throw a vocal warmup and assessment. If it's your first time, not to worry! We've done this many times with new clients and singers and are here to ensure the process—and the act of singing itself—is comfortable and rewarding. Singing should be relaxed, joyful, and soulful, and we strive to get you there. If you're an experienced singer, we can help with trouble areas: range, style, performance, diction, breath support, tension, and more.

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