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Up to 33% Off on Salsa Dancing Class at Salsa Dance Lessons

No booking required, present Groupon on arrival. For full class schedule please visit ocsalsadancelessons.com Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days.

Fun, friendly, and easy-to-follow salsa and bachata dance lessons in Orange County!

2 Salsa or Bachata dance lessons

4 Salsa or Bachata dance lessons

Offer only valid for first-time students. Groupons must be purchased at least 4 hours in advance.

In our dance lessons, you will be able to learn everything from the basic steps & fundamentals for beginners all the way to musicality, footwork, partner work, and styling for intermediate levels. Come and learn in a fun and friendly atmosphere! NO experience, partner, special shoes/clothing, or registration needed. Just walk in and get ready to dance, make new friends, and have a lot of fun! 

Offer valid for beginner and/or intermediate classes. You can take salsa, bachata, or both -- it's up to you! Classes are 45 minutes long. 

Offer valid for beginner and/or inter levels Classes are 45 minutes long.

We are following CDC guidelines and safety precautions. Your health is our first priority, and we are committed to providing a safe & comfortable environment.

Class only on Thursday

  • Bachata class 7:30 pm to 8:15 pm

  • Salsa class 8:20 pm to 9:05 pm

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