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Five-Day Drum Camp at Drum-Central (49% Off)

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). New customers only.

From the merchant: Innovative Drum Camp and 2-hour Class Sessions to maximize learning potential on Drum Set.

A Chat with Drum Central

What services does your business offer and what makes your business stand out from the competition?
We’re all about Drums! ​Our summer camp s and sessions​ are​ energetic and specific to learning all aspects of playing drum set. Included in the curriculum is Artist Development, notation reading and CORE character lessons.

Do you provide any materials? What should your students expect to bring?
We provide ​drum sets and practice pads​ to be used during Drum Camp and Sessions.​ Students only need to bring drum​sticks. Course materials and lunch are included in the Application​ Fee which is separate.

What was the inspiration to start or run this business?
We’re more than just another music lesson! ​We believe that the RIGHT kind of sticks in the hands of a child CAN make a difference. So we created an innovative approach of learning drums for beginning students or building chops for advanced students that also motivates them to do their best in all their endeavors, especially school.​ Our motto is: Stick To It!

What do you love most about your job?
​Helping students gain the confidence they need to excel. It’s exciting when they no longer say, “it’s too hard,” and begin to say,​ “I can do it.​”

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