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Up to 60% Off on Exfoliating Facial at Ephelis Beauty

Appointment required, contact by phone at (323) 207-5811. Must sign waiver. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Aestheticians aim to gently exfoliate, remove dead cells and restore a healthy glow.

One 60-Minute Exfoliating Facial

Three 60-Minute Exfoliating Facials

One 60-Minute Exfoliating Facial with ad-on

Three 60-Minute Exfoliating Facials with ad-on

Choose a single session or package of facials designed to removed dead cell on the outer layers of the skin to restore a healthy glow and even skin tone. Adds ons like can enhance your experience.

Specializing in ethnic skin, custom facials available upon request. 


High frequency, extractions, extra custom mask

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