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$17.38 for Three Months of Glass and Electronics Recycling Collection from Recycle Pink KC ($40 Value)

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. New customers only. Registration required. Valid within Johnson County area. Valid in service area only. If outside of the area, willing to travel to you.

This recycling service picks up glass and electronics and donates a portion of its proceeds to Cancer Action Center

Rainwater follows an endless cycle–it trickles down gutters, back to rivers, out to the ocean, off the edge of the world, and into the waiting mouth of the celestial space dog, who slobbers it back out to start the process anew. Recycle in your own way with this voucher.

The Deal

  • $17.38 for three months of service, plus a pink bin (a $40 value)

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