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Up to 51% Off on Consultant - Career at Envisioneeringllc.com

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days.

Do you know what your natural talents are? Do you spend most of your time using them?

Discover your Genius Mini-session

The most successful people have TWO THINGS in common:

  • They are crystal clear on their talents, AND
  • They spend most of their time in these areas of talent

By the end of this mini session, you will have detailed results about your:

  • natural talents,
  • behavior preferences, and
  • motivational drivers

You will also gain personalized information that will enable you to:

  • communicate more effectively,
  • get more done with less effort

You will receive a 70+ page report (valued at $500) and a personal debrief to understand:

  • what the information means and
  • how to apply it (one 2-hr or two 1-hr zoom sessions)

Live your Genius Transformation

The saying knowledge is power isn't quite accurate. Real power is applied knowledge. One of the most difficult things about creating lasting change is we have well-established old habits. Like deep ruts on a dirt road, these make it harder to get on a new road. Intentionally creating new habits and applying what you learned in the mini-session is the focus of this coaching package. You will receive:

  • everything in the Discover your Genius Mini-session, and
  • six 1-hour zoom coaching sessions to turn the knowledge you have into power

Heather is a civil engineer spending most of her career in leadership roles in private

consulting, municipal engineering and manufacturing. During her 25 years as a professional

she has turned failing businesses, struggling teams, and individuals into high performers. She is driven to equip others with the tools to achieve more.

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