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Up to 50% Off on Personal Trainer at Fitness Minded

Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 120 days.

Get on the fast track to your fitness goals with Fitness Minded’s personal training and online coaching program.

4 Personal Training session & 1 month of online coaching

What's included: 4 Immensely informative personal training sessions designed to get you started on your path towards your fitness goals, and a healthier happier you.

The sessions will consist of an introductory session and 3 regular session. 

The introductory session will include a consultation and assessment to help determine your starting point, as well detect any major posture imbalance.

Once Introductory session has been completed a customized program will be build based on clients goals and access to equipment.

1 Month of Online Coaching

What's Included: A completely customized workout program you can follow from home or a gym. 

With this program you can track progress, consistency, and have detailed video on demand if you don't know what a certain exercise is.

Also online support from your coach to help answer any question.

Whether you are just getting started or looking for a new challenge, this program will help you see results!

Each session will be 55 minutes long with introductory session no more than 90 and no less than 45.

Please bring water and workout clothes to every session.

Must complete online interview before online coaching program can be made.

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