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Up to 50% Off on Hypnosis at My Hypnolife

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required.

Hypnotherapy takes a client into a deep state of peaceful relaxation to create lasting and effective changes in a very short period of time.

One 90-Minute Hypnosis for Curious Beginners Session

One 90 minute Weight Loss Session

One 90 minute Letting Go Of Past Relationships and Cord Cutting Session

One 90 minute Stop Smoking Session

One 90 minute Stress and Anxiety Release Session

If you have ever been curious about hypnosis and want to try it out, the Hypnosis for Curious Beginners is right for you! You will experience a deep state of relaxation and will be able to do self-exploration in a positive and peaceful way that can help you in other areas of your life.

If you feel weighed down by past relationships that are no longer beneficial and no longer serve you, the Letting Go of Past Relationships and Cord Cutting session is right for you.

The Weight Loss session is geared toward someone who wants to use their own subconscious mind to re-wire their relationship to food and create a stress-free and positive approach to weight loss.

A single Stop Smoking session is usually sufficient to break the smoking habit and to gain freedom from nicotine addiction. This is beneficial for those who want to stop smoking.

We all have "hot buttons" and triggers that make us stressed and anxious, and may result in unwanted behaviors. The Stress and Anxiety Release session will help to we-wire negative responses and help you to respond more peacefully to stressful situations.

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