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One or Two 30-Minute Fairchild Flight Experiences from Butler County Warbirds (Up to 29% Off)

Children must be large enough to be held in securely by the seat belt and harness by themselves. All passengers must be in good health and have no conditions which flying might cause further health concerns. There is a basic passenger weight limit of 235 lbs. However, larger people (up to 265 lbs) can be accommodated with advance notice. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days.

Client can feel a rush of adrenaline and enjoy the views during a 30-minute flight on a historical WWII plane

  • Departure time: by appointment
  • Departure location: 1707 Run Way, Middletown, OH 45042
  • Weight restrictions: there is a basic passenger weight limit of 235 lbs. However, larger people (up to 265 lbs) can be accommodated with advance notice.
  • Other restrictions: children must be large enough to be held in securely by the seat belt and harness by themselves. All passengers must be in good health and have no conditions which flying might cause further health concerns. Only one passenger can be on the plane during the experience.

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