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Up to 43% Off on Tarot Card Reading at Sunkiss's psychic and tarot readings

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

A 30-minute 60-minute 90-minute session we will unpack all topics of your concern while using tarot cards astrology natural psychic gifts

One 30-Minute Card Reading

 this 30-minute session we will cover all topics that you have concerns about regarding love finances and any general questions I will use astrology numerology and Tarot cards during the 30-minute session trust me we can unpack a lot in 30 minutes

One 60-Minute Tarot Card Session

In this 60-minute session we will go more in-depth about relationships manifestations career changes and transitions or any emotional or spiritual blocks that need to be removed this is for a more in-depth reading.. 

One 90-Minute Tarot Card Session

This option is to ensure that no stone is left Unturned for in depth readings on career and finance readings as well as love and relationships as well as astrology this session is for you if you want to talk about everything and not be rushed

Please be sure to provide me with the date of birth of all parties involved also please feel free to email me first I will get back to you within 24 hours if you choose to call me I may not be able to get back to you because I might be in a tarot card reading session with someone else so please feel free to text as well

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