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Three Health Coaching Sessions at Source1Nutrition (45% Off)

Appointment required, same day appointments accepted. Valid only within 20 miles of zip code 44026. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

From the merchant: We’ll provide you with the skills you’ll need to slash your risk of Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes by 80%

A Chat with Source1Nutrition

What services does your business offer and what makes your business stand out from the competition?
We utilize evidence based methods which have been proven to help clients in their efforts to attain optimal health and well-being!

What was the inspiration to start or run this business?
My mother had a major coronary when I was in my Jr year in High School. 30 years later I continue to help families to make smarter lifestyle decisions which impact their overall health.

What do you love most about your job?
Assisting individuals and families to become the best version of themselves!!

What is the best reaction you’ve ever gotten from a customer?
Source1 has the tools and resources my family needs to reach and keep their health and wellness goals.

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