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Exam and One or Three Adjustments with Therapy Sessions at The Chiropractic Place (Up to 90% Off)

Appointment required. Consultation required; non-candidates and other refund requests will be honored before service provided. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 90 days. Limit 1 per visit. Valid only for option purchased. All goods or services must be used by the same person. Merchant's standard cancellation policy applies (any fees not to exceed voucher price).

Licensed chiropractic professional performs exam and scan to determine sources of pain; adjustments relieve discomfort

Choice of:

  • Chiropractic Exam, One Adjustment, and One Therapy Session
  • Chiropractic Exam, Three Adjustments, and Three Therapy Sessions

Visits will be composed of one day with consult, exam, and computerized spinal scan. The second day will include a report of findings, adjustments, and electrical-muscle stimulation therapy with heat (if necessary). Multiple sessions will be spread out over a week.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation: A Galvanizing Treatment

Your practitioner may use electrical muscle stimulation to help restore the muscular system to health. Read on to learn what to expect—and why it works.

Electricity powers almost every aspect of modern life, but long before Edison and Tesla, humankind had already harnessed the power of voltage with every flexed bicep. Muscles move by electrical stimulation, but it turns out they aren’t too picky about where that stimulation comes from. An electrode placed in the right spot can cause a muscle to extend or contract, and this phenomenon can be used for pain relief, physical therapy, and restoring power to the brain after a thunderstorm. Patients typically feel a mild tingling sensation as the electricity travels through the body, sometimes extending to a muscle twitch.

Power to the People

The uses of electrical muscle stimulation are as varied as the kind of people licensed to use the technique. A chiropractor might use it to relax muscle spasms or gently reeducate a muscle group caught in painful patterns. A physical therapist can help bring an atrophied limb back to life by gradually building up its muscle strength via repeated contractions. Some aestheticians use tiny electrical currents to try to tone facial muscles, and there’s at least one FDA-cleared device designed to tone the abdominal muscles at home.

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