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Up to 51% Off on Soul Food Restaurant at The Fresh Pot

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

You won’t be sorry about these deals just as great as they actually are

Seafood Boil Bag (includes crab legs, corn, boiled egg, sausage, shrimp. 1-2 people)

Take one home and tell everyone about it very good for seafood lovers!!

Chicken Lasagna (family size 4-6 people)

A family recipe that we have perfected a rich cheesy lasagna with the perfect blend of spices that makes a decadent red sauce that blends perfectly together for a great family sized pan of chicken lasagna 

Taco's Bundle (family size, steak, shrimp, chicken, beef)

You receive 8 tacos 2 of each of the different types from steak, chicken, shrimp, and beef great for the family to sit down and enjoy

Everything is handmade by the chef cooking with love in every dish. New hip southern soulful cuisine at your fingertips give us a try today!

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