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Up to 25% Off on Facial - Caviar at Elixir Esthetic LLC

Appointment required, contact online at Elixirestheticllc.com. Must sign waiver. Limit 3 per person(s), may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Limit 1 per visit. Not valid with other offers or promotions.

Nano-Needling is a comfortable and low-risk procedure, and has a short recovery time.

60 minute nano-needle facial treatment

4 Nano-needle facial treatment series

What is nano-needling?

Nano-Needling is a procedure that helps to improve pigmentation, increase cell turnover, and provide a glow to the skin. Unlike microneedling, which penetrates more deeply, nano-needling is only able to affect the epidermis of the skin. This treatment is done with a tool that has microscopic hair-like cones that separate the cells in the epidermis to allow products to be infused into the skin effectively.

How does nano-needling work? 

Before the treatment begins, your skin will be cleansed and exfoliated. Once the skin is ready for treatment, a pen-like tool with nano- needles is used on the skin to crest channels in the skin to allow the nutrient-rich ingredients into your skin

When will results be seen? 

Nano-Needling treatment, results are seen immediately. However, usually first timers notice their results diminish faster than people who have maintained the treatment overtime. To maximize the effects of this treatment, it is recommended to start with 3-4 treatments once every 2-4 weeks. After that, the results of your treatment can last you up to 6 months or longer with proper maintenance. 

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