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Up to 63% Off on Dance Class at Salsa Secrets

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

Have you always dreamed of dancing salsa? The opportunity awaits with Salsa Secrets!

Online Salsa Dance Academy for 2 - Absolute Beginner

  • For the absolute beginner.
  • Learn the fundamentals of dancing salsa in close and open position. 
  • Begin to understand the role of the leader and follower.
  • Learn combinations related to the basic cable. 

16 Videos with 8.5 hours of Video and 16 Audio Tracks!

This course is packed with drills, exercises and tips to help you integrate dance into your life. We share everything we know about good, clean and precise techniques as well as all the details about building supportive relationships through responsibilities on the dance floor.

Online Salsa Dance Academy for 2 - Advanced Beginner/Intermediate

  • For the advanced beginner to intermediate dancer.
  • Learn basic resistance.
  • Learn and integrate patterns like loops and copas.
  • Learn and develop variations of connections. 

11 Videos with 7 hours of Video and 19 Audio Tracks!

We will work together to develop basic resistance which leads to movements like Around the World and Shoulder to Shoulder. We will build a library of connection variations to add to the basic cable movements you already know. We’ll develop the Copa and variations of the Copa. We’ll explore the loop and further develop variations of the connection.

Truth: Dancing is Life Changing!

You’ve probably seen the buzz articles about dance leading to improvements in physical health, mental well-being and even cognitive longevity. That’s all true. But, what’s also true is that dance brings up an opportunity for us to be our most vulnerable, every single time we show up on the dance floor. That vulnerability isn’t about dancing with others or for others, its about YOU. We’ve found that dancing salsa is a modality for healing and expanding beyond what we thought possible into who we really are. 

Salsa is a Game with Rules

In order feel free enough to be really vulnerable and experience all the great gifts the dance shares with you, you have to know the rules of the game. The ‘rules’ are understanding the roles of the leader and follower, becoming confident with the common footwork and movement patterns, and developing a solid foundation from which to create flow. 

The Academy Gives You All That and More!!

We’re here to support you no matter what your level of dance experience, from absolute beginner to advanced dancer. The Academy offers 3 Levels of Salsa Training to meet your unique needs. 

Get started today, with the Academy and an open heart. All Academy courses offer lifetime access and video downloads for you to learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you!

About Piotrek & Krystal: Piotrek & Krystal have been teaching together virtual and live classes year round for 5 years. They came together with a distinct desire for the dance to be a modality for self exploration, growth and healing. Piotrek and Krystal's students have raved for years about their unique and effective style of teaching. They combine the development of proper technique with the spirit of the dance. This way of teaching engages all parts of the body: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, which leads to dancing that is extremely rich. 

Note: We teach latin style salsa aka club salsa or street salsa, NOT ballroom salsa. 

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