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All-Day Admission for One, Four, Six, or 12 with Guns and Masks from Paintball Tickets (Up to 81% Off)

Must wait 24 hours before redeeming. Must sign waiver. Younger than 18 must have guardian-signed waiver. Online redemption only. Redemption required 24 hours in advance of visit. Does not include paintballs or air; must be purchased on site. Outside paint not permitted; minimum purchase of 500 rounds per person required at most locations. Valid only for open play. Private parties and events based on park policy. Age restrictions of 10 years old may apply at some locations. Limit 10 per person, may buy 10 additional as gift(s). Valid only for option purchased.

Players navigate challenging fields at locations nationwide. Includes admission, mask and gun rental. Ticket is sent instantly to your email

After Your Purchase
After Your Purchase
After purchasing this deal, you'll need to visit the merchant's website to complete redemption. Learn more here.

Due to current coronavirus state and local guidelines some facilities may be temporarily closed

  • Tickets are delivered instantly by email, once the redemption process is complete. No waiting time after redemption to receive your tickets.
  • Packages include all-day field admission, gun rental, and mask rental for each player.
  • Paintballs and air fills not included and must be purchased from the field
  • Click here to view prices for air and paintballs at each location.
  • Vouchers can be redeemed for tickets at www.paintballtickets.com
  • Great for families, groups, and birthdays.
  • Common Paintball Games, Defined:
    • Elimination: Play continues until only one player—or team—is left in play.
    • Capture the Flag: Players cross into enemy territory to capture the other team’s flag, which they must safely return to their homebase.
    • Speedball: Games are played on a small, flat field, which typically contains an equal number of colorful, artificial bunkers on each side.
    • Woodsball: Played in the great outdoors, games often simulate military and video game-themed paintball scenarios and are played in conjunction with a scenario or capture the flag games
    • Scenario: Teams complete missions to score points—all within the confines of a larger storyline. Scenarios often include historical reenactments and military-style play.

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