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Up to 60% Off on Psychic / Astrology / Fortune Telling at Franklin Astrology

Limit 2 per person, may buy 2 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

To ensure the satisfaction of my clients my readings are not based off time limits this ensures that you will receive full clarity

Tarot card reading

• Tarot card readings show you the storybook of your life, the mirror to your soul, and the key to your inner wisdom. Through this reading the cards can bring forward insight into your past, present, future, love, marriage, business, success and much more.

Love and relationship reading

• Love reading: this reading can answer all questions about your love life, gives specific details on your relationship, and advises you on which direction to take through your love life, this reading can reveal if your partner is faithful, or if your partner is the right person for you, or when you will meet the right person. This reading also gives guidance on how to mend or restore a broken relationship

I am a gifted psychic and clairvoyant with many years experience. I have been blessed with the astounding ability to predict upcoming events, help people with their personal issues, tell of mysteries from the past, and bring closure to one’s present. I am able to answer the questions that you need answered now. The questions that keep you up at night and cause you to worry and add stress to your life. It doesn’t matter whether your questions are about your family, relationships, finances, travel, career, depression, uncertainty in your life… I will help you!

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