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Up to 51% Off on Pet - Sitter / Walking at Hand in Paw Pet Services

Limit 2 per person, may buy 5 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days.

We specialize in rescue pets, but service all breeds and types of pets!

One 30-minute Walk

What's included: Waste pick up and disposal, water change, and three photos of your pet.

Three 30-minute Walks

What's included: Waste pick up and disposal, water change, and three photos of your pet (per visit).

Five 30-minute Walks

What's included: Water pick up and disposal, water change, and three photos of your pet (per visit).

All new customers are eligible for one complimentary meet and greet. Allergy, medical, and veterinary information will be requested upon the start date of services.

Service radius: Within 20 miles.

Deals cannot be combined with any other offer.

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