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Up to 60% Off on Weight Loss Program at Mark Rosenberg Fitness

Limit 3 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift(s). May be repurchased every 30 days. Appointment required. Must sign waiver.

weight-loss, diet, nutrition, nutritionist, customized meal plans, meal plans, diet coach, meal planning, meal plans

3 Month Customized Diet & Nutrition Coaching

1 Customized Meal and Work Out Plan

3-month customized diet and work out plans and online coaching catered to your dietary needs and abilities. All body types welcome. No shame, just results! Whether you're trying to lose weight, gain muscle, or start a heart-healthy diet, every aspect of this program is catered to your needs. All clients see results.

3-month program includes:

*Customized meal plans based on your food preferences, allergies or ethics, to ensure your success that are updated regularly, so you're never bored or worn out on what you're eating.

* Customized workout programs that are catered to your abilities and needs.

* All access to your online coach--anytime--to ensure your food and work out questions are answered in a timely manner.

* Restaurant and travel options so that you can enjoy your life while still adhering to your diet.

* Weekly checkin-ins with your diet coach who will guide you along a successful path.

1 Meal Plan and Work Out Plan includes:

* One customized meal plan based on your dietary needs and goals.

* One customized workout plan focused on meeting your exercise goals. 

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