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Holiday Cards from Paper Culture (80% Off)

Limit 1 voucher per customer. Limit 1 redemption per household. 1 additional may be purchased as a gift for someone outside your household. Voucher applicable to all holiday and Christmas cards only and not applicable to other categories, add-ons (e.g. thickness, trim, addressing services, letterpress printing, thermography), gift certificates, taxes, shipping, handling, or previously placed orders. Combinable with other % off discounts listed at the time on the site but not with any other promotions, discounts or vouchers. When combined, voucher value will be deducted first and then the % off discount will be applied to the remaining balance. Voucher must be used in one transaction with no credit for leftover balance, no cash value. If customer has purchased a voucher in a previous sale, customer may buy another in this sale though the vouchers must be used in separate purchases. Minimum purchase equal to $50. No cash back, unless required by law. Must have US-based credit card and shipping address. Ships to Continental US only.

Matte or foil-finished recycled papers featuring, in vibrant colors, personal photos and season’s greetings

After Your Purchase
After Your Purchase
After purchasing this deal, you'll need to visit the merchant's website to complete redemption. Learn more here.

Holiday Cards

  • May be personalized with customer-selected photos and text
  • Made with 100% recycled paper
  • Available in a variety of designs and styles
  • Only applies to holiday cards and excludes add-ons


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